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Health and Wellbeing

What is mental wellbeing?

A state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” World Health Organisation (WHO), 2014

At Finham Primary School, we believe that the mental well-being of our pupils is key to developing happy, inquisitive learners, who are able to face the challenges that school and life present in a positive and proactive way.

Learning Mentor - Miss Walker

We have a Learning Mentor at school (Miss Walker) who offers a range of interventions and support to children if they are struggling with emotional, social or behavioural problems that may affect their ability to learn. Children are able to access support from Miss Walker throughout the week in order enable them to access all the exciting opportunities that we offer at school.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support:

The development of children’s social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) is engrained within our curriculum and in the practice of Finham's teaching and support staff. Across the school, most children will access the support and guidance they need during lessons and informally through their class teacher and/or teaching assistant. From time to time, we may identify children who would benefit from additional support around their well-being and/or social communication. Indicators of this might include friendship worries, a bereavement or illness in the family and changes in the way a child is presenting in school. If we feel a child would benefit from some extra support for a period of time, a member of school staff will contact parents to discuss this further. The list below details some of the groups which we can offer in school:

Sensory Circuits: 

This group is to support children with specific sensory requirements that may have been recommended by an Occupational Therapist. Sensory Circuits provide an opportunity for children to have some calm time in school, to be able to better regulate themselves and get ready for the next part of their school day. The sensory room is often used for this purpose. We have a range of resources that are used to help children be ready to access their learning. 

Talk Time:

The first level of 1-1 support that we provide in school is some talk time with Miss Walker. This typically takes place whilst playing with activities such as Lego, crafts and board games for example, so that the children feel more comfortable and relaxed to talk about their worries. If staff feel that a referral to the counsellor is required, then they will inform a Designated Safeguarding Lead so that the referral can be made, and a discussion had in partnership with parents.

School Counsellor:

We also have a visiting school counsellor to whom children can be referred with parental consent, for individual counselling support.

School Environment: 

At Finham we have worked hard to develop the school site to encourage active lifestyles and a positive mindset towards well-being. With the support of the PTA, we have enhanced our reading corners in all classrooms. Reading corners provide a safe and quiet place where children can go to calm down if they feel it is necessary. We have rejuvenated our school courtyards, creating both a 'Peace Garden'; a quiet area where classes can go for reflection activities; and our own school allotment, where children can learn about growing different fruits and vegetables.

We have vast amounts of playground and field space that children may use for releasing energy by running round, or they can find quiet areas of the playground for a time of reflection. The new school Trim Trails on both KS1 and KS2 also provide areas for children to release built up energy, and develop confidence in risk taking within a structured space. 

As a school, we are passionate about supporting the health and well-being of all stakeholders. We have a dedicated page within our school frog, that has a variety of links and resources to support the health and well-being of children, parents and staff. Please find a link to this site below: