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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Admissions: 

If you are enquiring about place within Finham Primary's nursery then please complete the  attached application form below. The completed application form can be returned in person to the school office. If you have queries regarding nursery admissions then please refer to the nursery admission policy in the first instance. 

Finham Primary School Nursery offers 30 hours for those parents who meet the criteria –  please visit  for more information or watch the video below. In order for you to be offered 30 hours, we will follow the Admissions Criteria for offering a Nursery place.

Funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds -


All schools have a published admission number (PAN). Finham Primary's admission number is 60 pupils in each Year group. If there are more requests for the school than there are places available within the school’s admission limit, places will be allocated in preference order using the criteria in priority as follows:

1. Children who, at the time of admission, are in the care of a local authority or are provided with accommodation by the authority (looked after children). Also, children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted, or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.

2. All siblings who have a brother or sister attending the school, providing that the brother or sister will continue to attend that school the following year.

3. Children of all staff who have been continuously employed by the school for a period of at least two years for the purpose of working in the school as follows: 

  • All full time teaching staff
  • All full time support staff – defined as those on 37 week and above contract
  • All part-time teaching staff with a 45% and above timetable
  • All part-time support staff who work at least 15 hours per week for 37 weeks or more.

4. Children who live in the catchment area served by the school. A list of roads in the catchment area for the school are detailed within the admissions policy below. 

5. Children by reference to the distance to the preferred school

All first preference requests will be allocated before second or third preferences are considered.

If you have queries regarding admissions then please refer to then schools  'Admission Policy' in the first instance. It is worth noting that all school admissions are managed by the Coventry City Local Authority, the school have no influence over this. You can find further information about Primary School Admissions on Coventry City's Admission website below: 

School Admissions Website -