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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium? 

Pupil Premium is a government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research shows that these children typically underachieve compared to their non-disadvantaged peers. The premium is allocated to schools in order to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and support these pupils in reaching their full potential.

The government states that school should decide how to use the funding, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their pupils need. Schools are accountable for narrowing the gap, and school performance tables include new measures that show the attainment of pupils who receive the Pupil Premium compared with their counterparts. 

How do we support Pupil Premium children at Finham?  

The school will use the grant to support these groups, which comprise pupils with a range of different abilities, to narrow any achievement gaps between them and their peers. We are conscious that the Pupil Premium is intended to improve achievement of eligible pupils in English and Maths and, as such, we aim to ensure that the funding is used to improve these academic outcomes. However, in order for this to happen the conditions for learning (particularly those associated around self-esteem) need to be secure. Therefore, some of the Pupil Premium could be spent on more holistic interventions and strategies to ensure the development of the “whole child”.

We also recognise that not all pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding will have lower attainment than their peers. In such cases, the grant will be used to help improve pupils’ progress and attainment so that they can reach their full potential.

The range of provision:

  • Identifying and breaking down barriers to learning
  • Facilitating pupils’ access to education
  • Facilitating pupils’ access to the curriculum
  • Additional teaching and learning opportunities

How we use the grant? 

At Finham Primary, we believe that every child should have access to a series of experiences that strive to enrich their lives and support their learning and self-esteem. These experiences are underpinned by the school’s five core values: Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Enjoyment and Discipline.

The school uses Pupil Premium funding to ensure that every child has equal access to the ‘Finham Experience.’ The ‘Finham Experience’ pledges to ensure that by the time the children are ready to leave Finham Primary School they will have:

  • Been to Plas-Dol-y-Moch Outdoor Education Centre in North Wales.
  • Had full access to the School Sport Premium Programme.
  • Will have learnt to ride a bike.
  • Will have taken up at least one regular extracurricular activity.
  • Will have learnt to play an instrument.

Finham Primary has a rich and varied curriculum, supported by regular off-site visits and on- site visiting artists and specialists to engage the children and raise their aspirations. Governors have authorised the subsidy of many of our curriculum enrichment experiences through the allocation of funding from the base budget, however, funding is also allocated from Pupil Premium funding to support the inclusion of all children.

Measuring the impact? 

High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. Implicit in the intended outcomes (detailed in the documents below), is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers. The progress of children eligible for Pupil Premium funding is carefully tracked every term. We monitor every child in the school through regular termly pupil progress meetings, in which the teacher, Headteacher and Inclusion Lead discuss progress and any intervention/support needed to make further progress.

Our approach will be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage. The approaches we have adopted complement each other to help pupils excel. 

What should I do if I think my child may be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant?

Have a look at the link below to see if you are eligible. Apply today and help enrich your child’s opportunities. 

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Key Documentation:

The spending of Pupil Premium funding is reviewed annually and is detailed in the school’s Pupil Premium Strategy, this is available to download, alongside our Pupil Premium Policy, below.